
League Results 9-24-15

Important Information About Results

As this was our first league night the ratings for all players may not be entirely accurate at this time. This should work itself out over the course of the league based on results of matches and ratings being calculated accordingly.

  • The KCTT league is managed through the USATT League system.
  • If you already have a profile in the USATT system we added your existing profile to the league.
    • Existing ratings were used for the original league rating when profiles were available.
    • Some players have multiple USATT profiles. In this case we added the most current profile.
    • Your USATT league rating is kept separate from your official tournament rating.
  • If we were unsure about a first / last name we used the name we had for both first and last. Please contact us with your accurate info so that we can update your name if necessary.

Match Results

Winner ID Rating Loser ID Rating
Garapaty, Dilip 925242 1300 Carl, Carl 925241 1300
Olson, Dakota 93526 1581 McAdams, Gary 921043 1287
McAdams, Gary 921043 1287 Garapaty, Dilip 925242 1300
Olson, Dakota 93526 1581 Carl, Carl 925241 1300
McAdams, Gary 921043 1287 Carl, Carl 925241 1300
Olson, Dakota 93526 1581 Garapaty, Dilip 925242 1300
Angell, Drew 90312 1567 Liu, Gwen 93222 1011
Mills, John 921044 1423 Chan, Ray 921179 1081
Menon, Rohit 92205 1150 Menon, Suraj 92206 1241
Angell, Drew 90312 1567 Chan, Ray 921179 1081
Menon, Rohit 92205 1150 Liu, Gwen 93222 1011
Mills, John 921044 1423 Menon, Suraj 92206 1241
Angell, Drew 90312 1567 Menon, Rohit 92205 1150
Menon, Suraj 92206 1241 Chan, Ray 921179 1081
Mills, John 921044 1423 Liu, Gwen 93222 1011
Angell, Drew 90312 1567 Menon, Suraj 92206 1241
Mills, John 921044 1423 Menon, Rohit 92205 1150
Liu, Gwen 93222 1011 Chan, Ray 921179 1081
Mills, John 921044 1423 Angell, Drew 90312 1567
Menon, Suraj 92206 1241 Liu, Gwen 93222 1011
Menon, Rohit 92205 1150 Chan, Ray 921179 1081
Mairal, Sarang 71443 1957 Wendt, Jim 921038 1668
Liu, Samuel 70703 1943 Obrosov, Vladimir 20896 1698
Chu, David 920325 1717 Bryant, Robert 925240 1900
Ge, Baoguo 925230 1750 Sharp, Rob 21995 1745
Obrosov, Vladimir 20896 1698 Mairal, Sarang 71443 1957
Chu, David 920325 1717 Wendt, Jim 921038 1668
Sharp, Rob 21995 1745 Liu, Samuel 70703 1943
Bryant, Robert 925240 1900 Ge, Baoguo 925230 1750
Mairal, Sarang 71443 1957 Chu, David 920325 1717
Sharp, Rob 21995 1745 Obrosov, Vladimir 20896 1698
Wendt, Jim 921038 1668 Ge, Baoguo 925230 1750
Bryant, Robert 925240 1900 Liu, Samuel 70703 1943
Mairal, Sarang 71443 1957 Sharp, Rob 21995 1745
Chu, David 920325 1717 Ge, Baoguo 925230 1750
Bryant, Robert 925240 1900 Obrosov, Vladimir 20896 1698
Liu, Samuel 70703 1943 Wendt, Jim 921038 1668
Mairal, Sarang 71443 1957 Ge, Baoguo 925230 1750
Bryant, Robert 925240 1900 Sharp, Rob 21995 1745
Chu, David 920325 1717 Liu, Samuel 70703 1943
Wendt, Jim 921038 1668 Obrosov, Vladimir 20896 1698
Bryant, Robert 925240 1900 Mairal, Sarang 71443 1957
Ge, Baoguo 925230 1750 Liu, Samuel 70703 1943
Sharp, Rob 21995 1745 Wendt, Jim 921038 1668
Chu, David 920325 1717 Obrosov, Vladimir 20896 1698
Liu, Samuel 70703 1943 Mairal, Sarang 71443 1957
Bryant, Robert 925240 1900 Wendt, Jim 921038 1668
Ge, Baoguo 925230 1750 Obrosov, Vladimir 20896 1698
Chu, David 920325 1717 Sharp, Rob 21995 1745
Mojaverian, Parviz 8429 2240 Lou, Jerry 925168 1800
Li, Hong 18465 2061 Chen, Zeke 925167 1832
Chen, John 925165 1900 Rahardja, Halim 925231 2000
Jin, Kevin 925166 2000 Zeng, Zheng 88311 1932
Liu, Chunyen 63949 1977 Rozenblat, Ilya 75076 1964
Mojaverian, Parviz 8429 2240 Chen, Zeke 925167 1832
Lou, Jerry 925168 1800 Chen, John 925165 1900
Li, Hong 18465 2061 Zeng, Zheng 88311 1932
Mojaverian, Parviz 8429 2240 Chen, John 925165 1900
Zeng, Zheng 88311 1932 Chen, Zeke 925167 1832
Lou, Jerry 925168 1800 Rozenblat, Ilya 75076 1964
Jin, Kevin 925166 2000 Rahardja, Halim 925231 2000
Mojaverian, Parviz 8429 2240 Zeng, Zheng 88311 1932
Rozenblat, Ilya 75076 1964 Chen, John 925165 1900
Liu, Chunyen 63949 1977 Chen, Zeke 925167 1832
Jin, Kevin 925166 2000 Chen, John 925165 1900
Rahardja, Halim 925231 2000 Chen, Zeke 925167 1832
Mojaverian, Parviz 8429 2240 Liu, Chunyen 63949 1977
Rahardja, Halim 925231 2000 Zeng, Zheng 88311 1932
Chen, John 925165 1900 Li, Hong 18465 2061
Chen, Zeke 925167 1832 Lou, Jerry 925168 1800
Liu, Chunyen 63949 1977 Rahardja, Halim 925231 2000
Zeng, Zheng 88311 1932 Lou, Jerry 925168 1800
Chen, Zeke 925167 1832 Chen, John 925165 1900
Li, Hong 18465 2061 Jin, Kevin 925166 2000
Liu, Chunyen 63949 1977 Lou, Jerry 925168 1800
Chen, Zeke 925167 1832 Rozenblat, Ilya 75076 1964
Zeng, Zheng 88311 1932 Chen, John 925165 1900
Mojaverian, Parviz 8429 2240 Li, Hong 18465 2061
Rahardja, Halim 925231 2000 Lou, Jerry 925168 1800
Liu, Chunyen 63949 1977 Chen, John 925165 1900
Rozenblat, Ilya 75076 1964 Zeng, Zheng 88311 1932

Rating Results

Player Member ID
Init Rating
Final Rating
Angell, Drew 90312 1567 1537 -30
Carl, Carl 925241 1300 1282 -18
Chan, Ray 921179 1081 1060 -21
Chen, John 925165 1900 1893 -7
Chen, Zeke 925167 1832 1871 39
Chu, David 920325 1717 1912 195
Garapaty, Dilip 925242 1300 1298 -2
Ge, Baoguo 925230 1750 1783 33
Jin, Kevin 925166 2000 2011 11
Li, Hong 18465 2061 2039 -22
Rahardja, Halim 925231 2000 1970 -30
Liu, Chunyen 63949 1977 2003 26
Liu, Gwen 93222 1011 1018 11
Liu, Samuel 70703 1943 1847 -96
Lou, Jerry 925168 1800 1842 42
Mairal, Sarang 71443 1957 1891 -66
McAdams, Gary 921043 1287 1307 20
Menon, Rohit 92205 1150 1177 27
Menon, Suraj 92206 1241 1222 -19
Mills, John 921044 1423 1455 32
Mojaverian, Parviz 8429 2240 2242 2
Obrosov, Vladimir 20896 1698 1724 26
Olson, Dakota 93526 1581 1581 0
Bryant, Robert 925240 1900 1924 24
Rozenblat, Ilya 75076 1964 1909 -55
Sharp, Rob 21995 1745 1783 38
Wendt, Jim 921038 1668 1687 19
Zeng, Zheng 88311 1932 1926 -6

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  1. There are at least 2 names I’d like to point out:

    * Lynn, Lynn , the left-handed consistent player should be “Halim Rahardja” with an official rating at 2030

    * Robert, Robert should be “Robert Bryant”. He is new in Kansas but he has an official rating while in Arizona.

        1. Hmmm, ok, I can get that adjusted. I double checked the round robin sheet and it shows that she lost those matches, so that must have been filled out incorrectly. I can certainly get it adjusted and will do so.

        2. I corrected the match between Gwen and Ray and re-calculated the ratings accordingly. The match with Gwen and Gary was not part of the league’s round-robin group, so there’s nothing I can do there. Sorry for the mix-up!

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