League Results 9-24-15
Important Information About Results
As this was our first league night the ratings for all players may not be entirely accurate at this time. This should work itself out over the course of the league based on results of matches and ratings being calculated accordingly.
- The KCTT league is managed through the USATT League system.
- If you already have a profile in the USATT system we added your existing profile to the league.
- Existing ratings were used for the original league rating when profiles were available.
- Some players have multiple USATT profiles. In this case we added the most current profile.
- Your USATT league rating is kept separate from your official tournament rating.
- If we were unsure about a first / last name we used the name we had for both first and last. Please contact us with your accurate info so that we can update your name if necessary.
Match Results
Winner | ID | Rating | Loser | ID | Rating |
Garapaty, Dilip | 925242 | 1300 | Carl, Carl | 925241 | 1300 |
Olson, Dakota | 93526 | 1581 | McAdams, Gary | 921043 | 1287 |
McAdams, Gary | 921043 | 1287 | Garapaty, Dilip | 925242 | 1300 |
Olson, Dakota | 93526 | 1581 | Carl, Carl | 925241 | 1300 |
McAdams, Gary | 921043 | 1287 | Carl, Carl | 925241 | 1300 |
Olson, Dakota | 93526 | 1581 | Garapaty, Dilip | 925242 | 1300 |
Angell, Drew | 90312 | 1567 | Liu, Gwen | 93222 | 1011 |
Mills, John | 921044 | 1423 | Chan, Ray | 921179 | 1081 |
Menon, Rohit | 92205 | 1150 | Menon, Suraj | 92206 | 1241 |
Angell, Drew | 90312 | 1567 | Chan, Ray | 921179 | 1081 |
Menon, Rohit | 92205 | 1150 | Liu, Gwen | 93222 | 1011 |
Mills, John | 921044 | 1423 | Menon, Suraj | 92206 | 1241 |
Angell, Drew | 90312 | 1567 | Menon, Rohit | 92205 | 1150 |
Menon, Suraj | 92206 | 1241 | Chan, Ray | 921179 | 1081 |
Mills, John | 921044 | 1423 | Liu, Gwen | 93222 | 1011 |
Angell, Drew | 90312 | 1567 | Menon, Suraj | 92206 | 1241 |
Mills, John | 921044 | 1423 | Menon, Rohit | 92205 | 1150 |
Liu, Gwen | 93222 | 1011 | Chan, Ray | 921179 | 1081 |
Mills, John | 921044 | 1423 | Angell, Drew | 90312 | 1567 |
Menon, Suraj | 92206 | 1241 | Liu, Gwen | 93222 | 1011 |
Menon, Rohit | 92205 | 1150 | Chan, Ray | 921179 | 1081 |
Mairal, Sarang | 71443 | 1957 | Wendt, Jim | 921038 | 1668 |
Liu, Samuel | 70703 | 1943 | Obrosov, Vladimir | 20896 | 1698 |
Chu, David | 920325 | 1717 | Bryant, Robert | 925240 | 1900 |
Ge, Baoguo | 925230 | 1750 | Sharp, Rob | 21995 | 1745 |
Obrosov, Vladimir | 20896 | 1698 | Mairal, Sarang | 71443 | 1957 |
Chu, David | 920325 | 1717 | Wendt, Jim | 921038 | 1668 |
Sharp, Rob | 21995 | 1745 | Liu, Samuel | 70703 | 1943 |
Bryant, Robert | 925240 | 1900 | Ge, Baoguo | 925230 | 1750 |
Mairal, Sarang | 71443 | 1957 | Chu, David | 920325 | 1717 |
Sharp, Rob | 21995 | 1745 | Obrosov, Vladimir | 20896 | 1698 |
Wendt, Jim | 921038 | 1668 | Ge, Baoguo | 925230 | 1750 |
Bryant, Robert | 925240 | 1900 | Liu, Samuel | 70703 | 1943 |
Mairal, Sarang | 71443 | 1957 | Sharp, Rob | 21995 | 1745 |
Chu, David | 920325 | 1717 | Ge, Baoguo | 925230 | 1750 |
Bryant, Robert | 925240 | 1900 | Obrosov, Vladimir | 20896 | 1698 |
Liu, Samuel | 70703 | 1943 | Wendt, Jim | 921038 | 1668 |
Mairal, Sarang | 71443 | 1957 | Ge, Baoguo | 925230 | 1750 |
Bryant, Robert | 925240 | 1900 | Sharp, Rob | 21995 | 1745 |
Chu, David | 920325 | 1717 | Liu, Samuel | 70703 | 1943 |
Wendt, Jim | 921038 | 1668 | Obrosov, Vladimir | 20896 | 1698 |
Bryant, Robert | 925240 | 1900 | Mairal, Sarang | 71443 | 1957 |
Ge, Baoguo | 925230 | 1750 | Liu, Samuel | 70703 | 1943 |
Sharp, Rob | 21995 | 1745 | Wendt, Jim | 921038 | 1668 |
Chu, David | 920325 | 1717 | Obrosov, Vladimir | 20896 | 1698 |
Liu, Samuel | 70703 | 1943 | Mairal, Sarang | 71443 | 1957 |
Bryant, Robert | 925240 | 1900 | Wendt, Jim | 921038 | 1668 |
Ge, Baoguo | 925230 | 1750 | Obrosov, Vladimir | 20896 | 1698 |
Chu, David | 920325 | 1717 | Sharp, Rob | 21995 | 1745 |
Mojaverian, Parviz | 8429 | 2240 | Lou, Jerry | 925168 | 1800 |
Li, Hong | 18465 | 2061 | Chen, Zeke | 925167 | 1832 |
Chen, John | 925165 | 1900 | Rahardja, Halim | 925231 | 2000 |
Jin, Kevin | 925166 | 2000 | Zeng, Zheng | 88311 | 1932 |
Liu, Chunyen | 63949 | 1977 | Rozenblat, Ilya | 75076 | 1964 |
Mojaverian, Parviz | 8429 | 2240 | Chen, Zeke | 925167 | 1832 |
Lou, Jerry | 925168 | 1800 | Chen, John | 925165 | 1900 |
Li, Hong | 18465 | 2061 | Zeng, Zheng | 88311 | 1932 |
Mojaverian, Parviz | 8429 | 2240 | Chen, John | 925165 | 1900 |
Zeng, Zheng | 88311 | 1932 | Chen, Zeke | 925167 | 1832 |
Lou, Jerry | 925168 | 1800 | Rozenblat, Ilya | 75076 | 1964 |
Jin, Kevin | 925166 | 2000 | Rahardja, Halim | 925231 | 2000 |
Mojaverian, Parviz | 8429 | 2240 | Zeng, Zheng | 88311 | 1932 |
Rozenblat, Ilya | 75076 | 1964 | Chen, John | 925165 | 1900 |
Liu, Chunyen | 63949 | 1977 | Chen, Zeke | 925167 | 1832 |
Jin, Kevin | 925166 | 2000 | Chen, John | 925165 | 1900 |
Rahardja, Halim | 925231 | 2000 | Chen, Zeke | 925167 | 1832 |
Mojaverian, Parviz | 8429 | 2240 | Liu, Chunyen | 63949 | 1977 |
Rahardja, Halim | 925231 | 2000 | Zeng, Zheng | 88311 | 1932 |
Chen, John | 925165 | 1900 | Li, Hong | 18465 | 2061 |
Chen, Zeke | 925167 | 1832 | Lou, Jerry | 925168 | 1800 |
Liu, Chunyen | 63949 | 1977 | Rahardja, Halim | 925231 | 2000 |
Zeng, Zheng | 88311 | 1932 | Lou, Jerry | 925168 | 1800 |
Chen, Zeke | 925167 | 1832 | Chen, John | 925165 | 1900 |
Li, Hong | 18465 | 2061 | Jin, Kevin | 925166 | 2000 |
Liu, Chunyen | 63949 | 1977 | Lou, Jerry | 925168 | 1800 |
Chen, Zeke | 925167 | 1832 | Rozenblat, Ilya | 75076 | 1964 |
Zeng, Zheng | 88311 | 1932 | Chen, John | 925165 | 1900 |
Mojaverian, Parviz | 8429 | 2240 | Li, Hong | 18465 | 2061 |
Rahardja, Halim | 925231 | 2000 | Lou, Jerry | 925168 | 1800 |
Liu, Chunyen | 63949 | 1977 | Chen, John | 925165 | 1900 |
Rozenblat, Ilya | 75076 | 1964 | Zeng, Zheng | 88311 | 1932 |
Rating Results
Player | Member ID |
Init Rating
Final Rating
Angell, Drew | 90312 | 1567 | 1537 | -30 |
Carl, Carl | 925241 | 1300 | 1282 | -18 |
Chan, Ray | 921179 | 1081 | 1060 | -21 |
Chen, John | 925165 | 1900 | 1893 | -7 |
Chen, Zeke | 925167 | 1832 | 1871 | 39 |
Chu, David | 920325 | 1717 | 1912 | 195 |
Garapaty, Dilip | 925242 | 1300 | 1298 | -2 |
Ge, Baoguo | 925230 | 1750 | 1783 | 33 |
Jin, Kevin | 925166 | 2000 | 2011 | 11 |
Li, Hong | 18465 | 2061 | 2039 | -22 |
Rahardja, Halim | 925231 | 2000 | 1970 | -30 |
Liu, Chunyen | 63949 | 1977 | 2003 | 26 |
Liu, Gwen | 93222 | 1011 | 1018 | 11 |
Liu, Samuel | 70703 | 1943 | 1847 | -96 |
Lou, Jerry | 925168 | 1800 | 1842 | 42 |
Mairal, Sarang | 71443 | 1957 | 1891 | -66 |
McAdams, Gary | 921043 | 1287 | 1307 | 20 |
Menon, Rohit | 92205 | 1150 | 1177 | 27 |
Menon, Suraj | 92206 | 1241 | 1222 | -19 |
Mills, John | 921044 | 1423 | 1455 | 32 |
Mojaverian, Parviz | 8429 | 2240 | 2242 | 2 |
Obrosov, Vladimir | 20896 | 1698 | 1724 | 26 |
Olson, Dakota | 93526 | 1581 | 1581 | 0 |
Bryant, Robert | 925240 | 1900 | 1924 | 24 |
Rozenblat, Ilya | 75076 | 1964 | 1909 | -55 |
Sharp, Rob | 21995 | 1745 | 1783 | 38 |
Wendt, Jim | 921038 | 1668 | 1687 | 19 |
Zeng, Zheng | 88311 | 1932 | 1926 | -6 |
There are at least 2 names I’d like to point out:
* Lynn, Lynn , the left-handed consistent player should be “Halim Rahardja” with an official rating at 2030
* Robert, Robert should be “Robert Bryant”. He is new in Kansas but he has an official rating while in Arizona.
Thank you for the info! We’ll be sure to get those updated.
I got these changes made. Thanks again!
By the way, Gwen told me she got 2 wins last night. One was with Ray. The other was with Gary.
Hmmm, ok, I can get that adjusted. I double checked the round robin sheet and it shows that she lost those matches, so that must have been filled out incorrectly. I can certainly get it adjusted and will do so.
I corrected the match between Gwen and Ray and re-calculated the ratings accordingly. The match with Gwen and Gary was not part of the league’s round-robin group, so there’s nothing I can do there. Sorry for the mix-up!
I haven’t lost to Parviz yet. Does that count for any points?
Ha, I wish it did!